
  • Ali M El-Bakkosh Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Benghazi University, Libya
  • Farag M Shaieb Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Omar Al Mokhtar University, Libya.
  • Aya M Idrs Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Omar Al Mokhtar University, Libya.



Phytotoxicity, Capparis spinosa, Triticum aestavium, Raphanus sativus, Antifungal activity


In laboratory bioassays, this study evaluated the phytotoxic potential of Capparis spinosa organs (leaves, fruits and roots) aqueous extracts on germination and seedlings growth of Triticum aestavium and Raphanus sativus. The results suggested that C. spinosa leaf, fruit and roots aqueous extract appeared to have phytotoxic effect on the recipient species compared to control. The germination percentage and all growth parameters of T. aestavium and R. sativus were significantly reduced gradually with the increase of aqueous extract concentration levels. However the reduction was varied and could be parts of the donor species and extract concentration dependent. This study also investigated the antifungal activities of three different solvents (ethanol, methanol and acetone) extracts of C. spinosa organs, these extracts were tested for their toxicity in vitro against Aspergillus niger, Penicillium sp. and Trichoderma viride at concentrations 10% (w/v).  All C. spinosa organs extracts had different degrees of antifungal activity against the tested fungi, the highest antifungal activity was recorded for fruit ethanolic extract against  Trichoderma whereas, acetone extract was the least effective extract against the tested fungi. Generally, tested fungi Trichoderma and Aspergillus were found to be more sensitive to C. spinosa organs extracts while Penicillium showed high resistance. The C. spinosa fruit ethanolic extract may be recommended as a potent bio-fungicide. Extensive studies should be undertaken for the ethanolic extract of C. spinosa organs as a strong antifungal agent against fungal plant diseases.


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