
  • Abdelbaset M.Asker Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Omar Al Mukhtar University, Al Baida, Libya.
  • Salem A. Hassan Bioilogy Departmen( Botany ), Faculty of Science,Al-Margeb University
  • Baset E.S. Mohammed School of Education,Biological Science, Omar Al Mukhtar University, Ghubah, Libya.



Teucrium, Lamiaceae Essential oil, GC/MS, Libya


A The essential oil was extracted from the dried shoots of plant materials, twelve compounds were identified by Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses revealed that essential oil contains mainly  germacrene B, β-caryophyllene, Limonene, α-pinene, Germacrene D, β-Elemene, α-Copaene, α-Cadinol, Terpinen, Isoborneol, Camphene and Linalool. However, T. zanonii was specified by the presence of all assessed oils, while section Chamaedrys (T.barbeyanum) was characterized by the absence of α-pinene, α-cadinol and Isoborneol. Although, αpinene and α-cadinol were also absent in T.polium subsp. flavovirens, these were detected in the two other forms of T.polium. Contrary, Linalool and Terpinen were detected in the two forms of T.polium and not detect in subspecies. The Terpinen is also undetected in T.brevifolium, T.campanulatum and T.fruticans, which are belonged to section Teucrium.


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