
  • Wafa Ebridan Ali Botany Department, Faculty of Science Omar El-Mokhtar University, El -Beyda-Libya
  • Hamida EL. Elsalhin Botany Department, Faculty of Science Omar El-Mokhtar University, El -Beyda-Libya
  • Farag. Shaieb Botany Department, Faculty of Science Omar El-Mokhtar University, El -Beyda-Libya



Isolation, identification, marine algae


Sousa is a small Libyan town located on the Mediterranean coast in the Green Mountain. The present work was mainly intended to study the marine algae of Sousa coast. The study was carried out during spring (2016). Sea water samples have been collected from the coast of the city of Sousa which were microalgae, and macro algae (seaweeds) and have been identified. A total of 22 algal species (16 genera) was recorded in the study area. Eight species of them (36.36%) were belonging to Chlorophyta (3 families), four species (18.18%) belonging to Bacillariophyta (4 families), two species (9.09%) belonging to Cyanobacteria (2 families), two species (9.09%) belonging to Phaeophyta (2 families) and six species (27.27%) belonging to Rhodophyta (3families). Obtained results showed that the most common genus of Laurencia were found three species. However, Laurencia, Sargassum and Ulva were the most dominant species in this area during the season.


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