
  • Hamida M.E. Hamad Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Omar El-Mukhtar University, Libya
  • Salama M. El-Darier Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University.
  • Mohamed S. Abdel-Razik Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University.



Mulberry, maize, goosefoot, germination percentage, inhibition percentage


The aim of the up to date study was to hold out evaluation of the allelopathic activity of leaves and bark of mulberry (Morus alba L.) on germination processes and a few growth parameters of the foremost problematic weeds in maize (Zea mays L.) fields; herb (Chenopodium album L). The investigator hopes that the study can provide data regarding the chances of mistreatment the target species as bioherbicides. In pure culture, the germination percentage (GP) of maize seeds was inefficaciously decreasing with increasing the concentrations of Morus alba leaves (MALAE) and bark (MABAE) aqueous extracts whereas the germination percentage (GP) was considerably attenuated with increasing the concentrations of MALAE and MABAE in mixed culture with wild spinach. Similarly, in pure and mixed culture with Indian corn the doc of wild spinach seeds significantly attenuated with increasing the concentrations of MALAE and MABAE. Accordingly, the inhibition percentage (IP) for the germination processes in Zea seeds in pure culture wasn't vital in response to the apparent allelopathic action of the 2 applied extracts. The proportion was considerably multiplied with increasing the concentrations of MALAE and MABAE in mixed culture with Chenopodium album. Similarly, in pure and mixed culture with Zea mays the (IP) of Chenopodium album seeds significantly multiplied with increasing the concentrations of MALAE and MABAE.


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