
  • Ibrahim D. Sakal Zoology Department, Science Faculty, Sabratha University- Libya
  • Mostafa M. Omar Zoology Department, Science Faculty, Azzytuna University



Spine density, Neuronal types, Golgi technique, Reptiles


The cyto-architecture and morphology of the neuronal types of the dorsal cerebral cortex of the lizard, Calotes versicolor has been studied with the help of Cresyl violet staining and Golgi impregnation method. The dorsal cerebral cortex displayed three neuronal layers. Layer-I contains only few neuronal somas and also the dendrites ascending from the subjacent layers. Layer-II is characterized by three to four cell thick densely packed neuronal somas. Layer-III contains loosely packed neuronal somas and the dendrites and axon descending from layerI and II. Below the layer-III an ependymal layer is observed just above the ventricle. Using different characteristics such as criteria of location, dendritic tree pattern, dendritic spine covering and soma shape seven classes of neurons were distinguished in the cellular layer of dorsal cortex of Calotes versicolor : multipolar neurons, pyramidal neurons, monotufted bipolar neurons, monotufted neurons, bitufted neurons, inverted pyramidal neurons and aspinous bipolar neurons. The dorsal cerebral cortex shows the pyramidal and multipolar neurons to be dominant type with 38.71% and 30.65% respectively whereas the aspinous bipolar neurons show only 2.69%. The multipolar neurons have mostly intracortical dendritic branching and connections. The spine density of dendrites of the dorsal cortex ranges from 22.67±8.18 to 30.76±7.64 spines in pyramidal, bitufted and multipolar neurons (moderately spinous) whereas it ranges from 10.83±5.64 to 18.18±02.88 spines in monotufted bipolar, monotufted and bitufted bipolar neurons (sparsely spinous) per 25 μm-length of dendritic segment.


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