
  • Noor alhooda Ministry of health, Benghazi- Libya
  • M, Alawkally Ministry of health, Benghazi- Libya
  • Maree, A, Aldokally Ministry of health, Benghazi- Libya




Hepatitis B, hepatitis C virus, HIV, Illegal immigrants


Assess the prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B and C Virus and serological markers in immigrant people of various nationalities, living in the AL- Jabal alakhdar area. HIV, Hepatitis B and C are, and will remain for some time, major health problems in Libya.The retrospective study was conducted in AL- Bayda, Cyrene and AL-Quba illegal immigrant centers between OctoberDecember 2017.All samples were tested using enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). The study considers a total of 14,918 samples, mostly males. The highest prevalence rate of viral infection was HBsAg with 35 (1.22%) recorded in Al-Bayda center in 2016, while the lowest was 9 (1.82%) recorded in Al-Qubba center in 2015. The highest value of HCV was 18 (0.81%) in Al-Bayda center in 2016, while the highest value is in Both Elqubba (1.12%) and Cyrene centers (0.30%) which were recorded in 2017. HIV infected person in 2015,was one male (0.2%) in the Elqubba center and his nationality was Egyptian and only two females were recorded (0.4%) in Cyrene in 2016, their nationality waschad, while in 2017 One female was recorded (0.06%) in Cyrene and her nationality was chad and one male (0.2%) in Al-bayda from Egypt. Number of males (12919) exceeds females (1999). The highest frequency was 15 males and their ages were 24 years old. The highest level of infected illegal immigrants was from Egypt as  429 of them infected followed by 134 Chadians , 118 Sudanese, 105 Bangladesi’s, 26 Syrians, 6 turkish and 6 Palestinian , 5 Tunisians and 3 Nigerians respectively.


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. Chironna M, Germinario C, Lopalco PL, Quarto M, Barbuti S. HBV, HCV and HDV infections in Albanian refugees in Southern Italy (Apulia region). Epidemiol Infect. 2000; 125(1):163-7.

https://doi.org/10.1017/S0950268899004215 PMID: 11057972

. Chironna M, Germinario C, Lopalco PL, Carrozzini F, Barbuti S, Quarto M. Prevalence rates of viral hepatitis infections in refugee Kurds from Iraq and Turkey. Infection. 2003; 31(2):704. https://doi.org/10.1007/s15010-002-3100-3 PMID: 12682810


