
  • Ashraf A. Ahmed Younis Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya
  • Adel M. Alsharkasi Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya



Transportation Problems, Vogel's Approximation Method, Hungarian Method


Transportation problems and Assignment Problems are considered as one of the most important applications of linear programming and are used to solve many economic and administrative problems. Transport issues are those matters that concern the transfer of certain products from the places of production or manufactured to the places of consumption or storage, through a special matrix containing figures for transport costs, in which the main objective is to make the cost of transport at a minimum value taking into account supply and demand constraints. There are several methods to solve these types of problems, where the best methods are Vogel's Approximation Method and its modifications that their algorithm is based on finding the lowest possible cost of transport. As for, the allocation issues are meant to be those issues that discuss the optimal allocation of various economic resources on the various works to be achieved, so that we achieve either the lowest possible cost to accomplish these works or the greatest possible return through the completion of these works. This type of problem can be solved by using the Hungarian Method and the algorithm of this method is based on finding the lowest cost in the case of minimization models and the greatest possible return in the case of maximization issues. This paper presents an attempt to implement the Hungarian method algorithm in case of minimization of transport issues, and ensure that it will give an optimal solution comparing to other methods that are assigned to solve these types of transport problems. Where, the results show that the suggested method gives the same or better solution than the other methods.


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