Groundwater, Physico-chemical Parameters, Bar-graph, Groundwater Contamination One way ANOVAAbstract
Water supplies must be unusually pure, free of microbes and chemical pollutants, in order to be used for drinking and other domestic purposes. But because of rapid urbanisation and population increase, as well as ignorance of how to coexist peacefully with nature, water quality has declined, leading to water contamination. Because of this, pollution of water resources needs quick and significant intervention, as shown by routine water quality testing. In the Aspur and Sagwara blocks of the Dungarpur district, the current investigation was carried out to evaluate the quality of the ground water. In the pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons of the year 2020 and 2021, the randomly selected samples were gathered from several communities within the block. A variety of physico-chemical parameters, including pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, total hardness, chloride (Cl-), fluoride (F-), and nitrate (NO3-), were used to analyse the samples that were collected. Additionally, the one-way ANOVA test was used to determine the significance of the results. As a result, it was observed that almost parameters were obtained comparatively high in the pre-monsoon seasons, with the exception of pH and Total alkalinity. According to the one-way ANOVA test it was concluded that the research area's ground water is slightly polluted and unfit for drinking. The graphical display illustrates how the concentration of main ions varies over time between the pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons
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