
  • M. A. Aisha
  • Fatma. M. A. El-Garj
  • W.O.Maznah



Malaysian caves, cyanobacteria, NaOCl, H₂O₂, Ca(OCl)2


Malaysia is a country of numerous natural wonders, which include a collection of impressive cave formations. Found
all over the country, these caves contain rock art and wall paintings. The samples were collected from wall surfaces
painted caves of Niah, Sarawak, and Tempurung, Perak. Three cyanobacterial genera, have been characterized using a
polyphasic approach by comparing phenotypic characteristics, using a light microscopy and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM). Molecular characteristics, by confirmed their identification based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. The
microflora from both sampling locations was represented by three cyanobacteria morphospecies, Synechococcus sp.
(18.78%), Gloeocapsa sp. (12.20%), Chroococcus sp. (4.94%). The photomicrographs of all the dominant microalgae
recorded. Synechococcus sp. a cylindrical oblong elliptical unicellular or sometimes 2 to 4 cells as a result of cell
division. Under SEM Synechococcus sp. cells were cylindrical to oblong 2.6 μm in diameter and 3.8μm long. The cells
were enclosed in hyaline mucilage and with cells usually aggregating in large numbers to form colonies. Gloeocapsa
sp. cells were spherical, blue- green homogeneous contents, enclosed by wide colorless sheaths, of diameter 2-4μm, with
sheaths 4-8μm. Chloroococcus sp. cells were spherical, sometimes hemispherical after division, united cell in colonies
of two sheath, sheath is colorless and the individual cells were large; 20-28μm in diameter. According to DNA sequence
analysis, cyanobacteria l was closely related to Synechococcus sp, (99% similarity), cyanobacteria ll was found to be
similar to Gloeocapsa sp. (97% similarity) and cyanobacteria lll was Chroococcus sp. (95% similarity). This study,
used chemicals agents to control cyanobacteria from both sampling locations, by (NaOCl), (Ca(OCl)2) and (H₂O₂). The
result showed that, 5% H₂O₂, Ca(OCl)2 and NaOCl gave a significant difference (p˂0.05) on the growth of
cyanobacteria. However, the effect of 15% H₂O₂ was not significantly different (p˃0.05) with Ca(OCl)2 and NaOCl at
10, 15, and 30 minutes exposure, only 5 minutes exposure was significant (p˂0.05)

Author Biographies

M. A. Aisha

Al-zintan University. Faculty of science, Zoology Department. Azintan – Libya

Fatma. M. A. El-Garj

Al-zintan University. Faculty of science, Zoology Department. Azintan – Libya


School of Biological Sciences,
University Sains Malaysia 11800 Penang. Malaysia


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