
  • Johan Risandi Pusat Pengembangan dan Penelitian Sumber Daya Laut dan Pesisir Gedung II Balitbang KP lt .5. Jl. PasirPutih I Ancol Jakarta




Water quality, Surabaya, estuary


Water quality information is one of theimportantfactors for coastal zone management. The sources of pollution may come from industrial, agricultural and domestic which are daily discharged mainly into rivers and end up in the ocean. This paper evaluates water quality parameter from the estuary of the main river flowing aroundLamongan, i.e. theBrondongriver. There were three categories of water parameters identified from the collected water samples, viz. physical, chemical andbiological concentration. Those water samples were analysed in the laboratory, and the results were then comparedtothe minister of environment’s regulation for seawater quality standard. The result showedthe water quality of the estuary is still in relatively good condition. However, some water quality parameters were out of the standard. For example, Dissolved Oxygen in both rivers was below 5. Nutrient (i.e. Nitrate) concentration was above the permitted limit of 0.008 mg/L. The samples taken from the rivers also were considered to be safe from pathogen due to thevery low presence of Total Coliform. This study output will be a baseline frame for future studies. Further, the information will be used to verify a water quality model developed for the area.


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