
  • Dai Yang Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Zhenjiang 212003 China
  • Chen chao Changshu Rhett Electric co., Ltd Changshu 215500 China
  • Cui jia Changshu Rhett Electric co., Ltd Changshu 215500 China



Ship power system, Reliability, Circumferential area distribution


The research of power supply reliability is the basis of the application of power system on large warships. With the improvement of the demand for the vitality of warships and the need for the research of all-electric propulsion ships, the annular regional distribution network will be paid attention to and become the direction of the future development of warship distribution. In the whole research process, this paper strives to make the theoretical demonstration rigorous, proceeding from reality, and make it have greater practical value as far as possible.


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