
  • Bui Trung Thanh facult y of heat - ref ri gerat i on engineeri ng, i ndustrial unive rsit y of ho chi minh ci ty, viet nam
  • Nguyen Trung Kien facult y of heat - ref ri gerat i on engineeri ng, i ndustrial unive rsit y of ho chi minh ci ty, viet nam




Heat pump, Gac fruit, Gac fruit aril drying, cold drying, multiple factor experiment, Multiple Response Optimization


The paper presents the results of experimental research to determine the technological parameters of Gac fruit aril drying process in the heat pump dryer. The experiments were carried out according to the 2-level orthogonal experimental plan, combined with multiple response optimization according to Response Surface method (RSM) to determine the optimal parameters (Temperature of air drying, temperature of moisture condensation, air velocity) in the Gac aril drying process. As the result, the optimal parameters were determined such as: Temperature of air drying was t gopt = 44.16°C, temperature of moisture condensation t fopt = 14.03°C, air velocity was V gopt = 2.6 m/s. Corresponding to these optimal parameters, the objective functions reached the minimum value, including the drying time tmin = 11.27 hours, the specific energy consumption Ne min = 4.363   kWh/kg vapor and the loss of beta-carotene in Gac aril of the finished product B min = 4.394%.


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