
  • Ramadan D. El Shoukary Department Animal Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary medicine, Assuit University (New Valley branch) 71515, Egypt
  • Mohamed A. Mousa Department of nutrition and clinical nutrition, faculty of vet. Med., Sohag University, Egypt



Fenugreed seeds, MoringaOlifera, Premix and Yeast, pigeon squab, feed additives, performance, behavior.


This study aimed to assessment the impact of supplementing pigeon squab’s diets with different feed additives on behavior, performance and some blood parameters during heat stress. One hundred and forty four, 4 wk-old age, unsexed pigeon squabs were used and divided in two groups. Thermonatural group squabs (TG) reared in 22 ºC, were fed basal diet, while heat-stress group reared in 34 ºC, and subdivided into 5 groups; heat-stress group was allotted to basal diet (HG) and four groups allotted to basal diet supplemented with different feed additives as natural feed additives (Moringaolifera(H1G) or fenugreek seeds (H2G)) and chemical feed additives (premix (H3G) or yeast(H4G)). Results showed that, Fenugreed seeds group (H2G) had more potent effect to alleviate the negative effects of heat stress on squab behaviors, performance,biochemical parameters and growth hormone, whereas the Moringaolifera, yeast and premix groups also have beneficial impactin alleviation the negative effect of heat stress, but less than Fenugreed seeds.In conclusion we could recommended the usage of 2 % Fenugreed seeds as feed additives to improve pigeon squab behavior, performance, welfare and biochemical parameters during heat stress condition.


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