
  • Kholoud. W. Saleem Mathematics Department. Science Faculty. Omar Al-Mukhtar University. Al-guba-Libya
  • Abir. K. Salib Mathematics Department. Education Faculty. Tripoli University. Janzour
  • Abrahim.A. A.Tentush Mathematics Department. Science Faculty. Al-Zawia University. Al-Zawia



Semigroup, intuitionistic fuzzy set, intuitionistic fuzzy bi-ideal, regular and intra-regular semigroups


Since Zadeh introduced fuzzy sets in 1965, a lot of new theories treating imprecision and uncertainty have been introduced. Some of these theories are extensions of fuzzy set theory. The concept of 'intuitionistic fuzzy set' (IFS) was introduced by Atanassov as a generalization of the concept fuzzy set by gives both a degree of membership and the degree of non-membership. As for fuzzy sets, the degree of membership is a real number between 0 and 1. This is also the case for the degree of non-membership, and further the sum of these two degrees is not greater than 1. Since fuzzy bi-ideal play an important role in the study of semigroup structures. The purpose of this paper is to initiate and study the intuitionistic fuzzification on the concept of several ideals in a semigroups S and investigate the basic theorem of intuitionistic fuzzy bi-ideals and discuss the relationships of left (resp. right and completely regular) semigroups in terms of intuitionistic fuzzy biideals. For any homomorphisim f from a semigroup S to semigroup T if B= (μB , VB) is an intuitionistic fuzzy bi-ideal of T, then the preimage f-1(B) = (f-1B),f-1(VB)) of B under f  is an intuitionistic fuzzy bi-ideal of  semigroup S.  


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