
  • Ibrahim M. Abou El Leil Faculty of Engineering, Petroleum Engineering Department Tobruk University




Hydrocarbons, soil, pollution, concentration, beans, seeds, germination, growth


The effects of hydrocarbons in plant germination and growth were investigated using specified plants (beans) and selected loamy soil from an area located nearby Tobruk city. A total of 12 pots having 2 viable. Beans seeds each; containing 10 kg of loamy soil were investigated. Pots were used as control experiment, 5 had hydrocarbons applied before planting seeds at levels of 100ml 150ml, 200ml, 250ml and 300ml and 5 had hydrocarbons applied in soil after germination of seeds. It was observed that seeds in the control pots had normal growth, where as in the hydrocarbons applied soil before planting, seeds had no germination and those in hydrocarbons applied soil after planting, the plants had stunted growth.


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