Alluvial terraces, Wadi Sidi Moussa, Neotectonics, Morphotectonic, Al Jabal Al Akhdar.Abstract
Al Jabal Akhdar Mountain suffered by numerous tectonic events throughout the geologic time, these events are most affected on the earth surface features. Wadi Sidi Moussa is one of the longest observable wadies that cut the lower escarpment, this wadi being having distributed fluvial terraces in different parts and locations. These terraces are shown with obvious variation in their elevations, some being higher, while others abruptly decreased in steps like behavior, where a series of steps and surfaces developed above and below the escarpment. Logically these terraces are explainable of odd and non-natural occurring, hence the fluvial terraces in the wadi attributed and interpreted as of a terraces of a tectonic control, and ascribed to the effects of one of those tectonic episodes. Wadi Sidi Moussa due the fluvial terraces in this investigation can be considered as one of those morphotectonic valleys in Al Jabal Al Akhdar Mountain.
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