
  • Ajlal A. Alzergy Department of Cytology and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cairo University.
  • Saad M. S. Elgharbawy Department of Cytology and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cairo University.
  • Mervat R. Mahmoud Department of Cytology and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cairo University.



Capparis spinosa, trichloroacetic acid, blood bone marrow smear, mice


The present study was amied to evaluate the effect of leaves powder of Capparis  spinosa which using in Libya as folk medicine for many ailments as cancer treatment  against morphological alterations in blood and bone marrow cells in the blood and bone marrow smears of male mice  intoxicated with trichloroacetic acid (TCA). A hundred male mice were divided in to 5 groups. Group I was considered as a control and received only distilled water, group II treated orally with honey (40 mg/kg bw) for 3 weeks, group III treated orally with a mixture of C. spinosa leaves powder and honey(40 mg/kg bw) for 3 weeks, group IV treated orally with  TCA in drinking water  (500mg/kg bw for 3 and 6 weeks, then left for 3 weeks for self-recovery), group V was given TCA in drinking water (500mg/kg bw) for 6 weeks, then treated with a mixture of C. spinosa and honey for 3 weeks. Blood and bone marrow samples were collected for the smears preparations and evaluated morphological alterations in blood and bone marrow cells. Administration of TCA only in drinking water showed many abnormalities in blood and bone marrow smears which were more pronounced in TCA for 6 weeks and TCA recovery groups. Administration of mixture of leaves powder of C. spinosa and honey to TCA intoxicated mice lessened most abnormalities (anisocytosis and poikilocytosis) in blood and bone marrow smears. Result of the present work suggested that the dose of  leaves powder of C. spinosa used in this investigation have no hematotoxicity  and have some beneficial  effect  to inhibition  TCA induce hematotoxicity in mice.


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