
  • Samuel A. Nigro



Anthropic Principle


This article summarizes the Anthropic Principle and extends it into the physics of human behavior. The Principle is the belief that the universe is anthropomorphic by design and man could not exist if the universe was not created in exactly this way.  With this information, people will be more fully aware of who and what man is, of his nature and composition, of his potential for personal mental conquest. People will be enabled to act as deserving of the universe and participate in it accordingly.  Knowing the Principle is, however, only a first step.  To know and act in a fully human manner, we need an understanding of the necessary “add-ons” of transcendental spirit, the variables of mental succor, the humanness of living the community universals, the divine rituals which can link all to all, the virtues, and how to deal with everything in a simple but symphonically effective way consistent with elementary physics. This will enable us to achieve more fully human way of living.


Robert Jastrow, interview in Roy Abraham Varghese,ed., The Intellectuals Speak Out about God, Washington DC: Regnery Gateway, 1984, p22).

Martin Rees, Just Six Numbers, (New York: Basic Books, 2000), 2-4, 161, 179.

Walter Brown Jr., In The Beginning, p 8.

Samuel A. Nigro, “Why Evolutionary Theories are Unbelievable, Social Justice Review, January/February 2004, 148-151.

Samuel A. Nigro, “Charles Darwin’s Bicentenary: Time for “Celebration” …or an Inquest”, Social Justice Review, May/June 2008, 72-76.

Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time, (New York: Bantam Books, 1996), 126, 129, 131.

Samuel A. Nigro, “Male/Female Differences in Natural Law,” St. Louis (Society of Catholic Social Scientists, 1993.), 4-5.

Samuel A. Nigro, Happy Ending, (St. Louis, Central Bureau, 1997).

Samuel A. Nigro, Everybody for Everybody, (USA, Xlibris, 2011).

ibid Happy Ending p 379; Everybody for Everybody Vol II, p 425.

Donald DeMarco and Samuel A. Nigro, ibid, Happy Ending, p 440; Everybody for Everybody Vol II, p 556.

ibid Happy Ending p 4; Everybody for Everybody Vol II, p100.

ibid Happy Ending and Everybody for Everybody.

ibid Happy Ending pp 459-571; Everybody for Everybody, Vol II, pp 581-595.

ibid Happy Ending; Everybody for Everybody.

Hans Kung as quoted by John Stott, The Cross of Christ (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1986, 311.

Dinesh D’Souza, God Forsaken, (USA, Tyndale House, 2012).

ibid Happy Ending; Everybody for Everybody.

Samuel A. Nigro, “The Theogeocalculus of Life: Natural Law Thinking Has the Answer to Everything,” Linacre Quarterly, 73, 3, August 2006), 264-281, or www.Theogeocalculus or email for complete updated version from


