
  • Suzan. A. A. Abu-harbid Mathematics Department. Science Faculty. Omar Al-Mukhtar University. Al-guba-Libya
  • Abdulrahman. A. El-samman Mathematics Department. Science Faculty. Al-Azhar University. Cairo-Egypt
  • Abdelsalam. B. H. Aldaikh Mathematics Department. Science Faculty. Omar Al-Mukhtar University. El-Beida-Libya



Nonlinear (DES), Interacting biological system, Multispecies population, Analytic approximate solutions, Auto, cross correlation functions


This study provides the effect of correlation functions on the solution of nonlinear differential equations system (DES). For illustration, an application of the case of interacting biological system is introduced for multispecies population, Moreover, the concept of stability and identification of equilibrium points are studied, this obtain the analytic approximate solutions. In order to evaluate the solution of the correlation functions, this study has been limited on the chronological correlation functions of the two type’s; auto and cross. That is to reach the expense of second and third- correlation functions. 


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