
  • Aiman Al-Omariy Department of Physics, Jerash University, Jearsh, Jordan.
  • Reim Almotiriz y Department of Physics, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jedah, KSA




Quantum Dots, Ferromagnetism, Heisenberg Hamiltonian, Spin WaveTheoryPACS numbers: 75.10.Jm, 75.50.Ee


Quantum Dots (QDs) are semiconductor-nanostructure materials which are also called arti cial atoms. QDs are classi ed as ferromagnetic material. Theoretically, Heisenberg model is regarded as a good model in describing these QDs. We applied Spin Wave Theory (SWT) on the above mentioned model to explore the physical properties of these materials, such as ground state energy, excitation energy and magnetization. We found that the ground state energy "g increased with the applied external magnetic eld B as B0:3. A phase transition was also observed around B~1T, which indicate a transition from singlet to a triplet state. Staggered magnetization reaches saturation around this point of transition.


E-mail: aiman 101@hotmail.com

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