
  • Galal Ali Hassaan Emeritus Professor, Mechanical Design & Production Department. Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt



Al-Jazari quick return motion mechanism, optimal mechanism synthesis, maximum time ratio


This is the 11th research papers in a series of papers aiming at the optimal synthesis of planar mechanisms. The mechanism in hand is invented by Al-Jazari in the 12/13th century and is analyzed before by the author for a specific time ration, stroke and transmission angle. In the present work the mechanism is optimally synthesized for maximum time ratio and desired normalized stroke.  Five functional constraints are defined to control the performance of the mechanism. The MATLAB optimization toolbox is used and four dimensions of the mechanism are assigned in a normalized form. Normalized stroke range from 1 to 5.45 is covered and the study shows that it is possible with Al-Jazari mechanism configuration to go to a time ratio as large as 6.3. The optimized synthesis of the mechanism can keep the transmission angle of the mechanism during complete crank rotation within a range from 45 to 116.7 degrees for the range covered for the desired normalized stroke.   


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X. Wang, "The optimization design of six bar linkage mechanism", TELKOMNIKA, vol.11, issue 7, pp.4091-4098,

R. Kanakaraddi, M. Kulkarni and V. Konnur, "Multi phase synthesis of planar six bar mechanism with rocker as

output link", International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, vol.2, pp.818821, August 2014.

G. A. Hassaan, "Optimal synthesis of a single-dwell 6-bar planar linkage", International Journal of Computational

Engineering Research, vol.4, issue 3, pp.50-56, 2014.

G. Soh and F. Ying, "Motion generation of planar six and eight bar slider mechanisms as constrained robotic systems",

Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, vol.7, issue 3, 8 pages, 2015.

G. A. Hassaan, “Synthesis of planar mechanisms, Part II: Specific stroke, time ratio and transmission angle”,

International Journal of Computer Techniques, vol.2, issue 3, pp.25-32, 2015.

G. A. Hassaan, "Synthesis of planar mechanisms, Part V: Six bar – three sliders mechanism", International Journal

of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and Engineering, vol.1, issue 3, pp.27-31, 2015.

G. A. Hassaan, “Innovation of mechanical machinery in medieval centuries, Part II: water pumps, clocks and

robotics”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Management, vol.1, issue 7, pp.99-104, 2014.

Ibn Al-Razzaz Al-Jazari, “A compendium on the theory and practice of the mechanical arts”, University of Aleppo,

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C. Lopez, MATLAB optimization techniques, Springer, 2014.

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