
  • Dewi Tamara Executive in Strategic Management Program, Binus Business School, Binus University
  • Syailendra Ogan Applied Finance Program, Binus Business School, Binus University



Conventional Method, Building Information Modelling, Time Efficiency, Cost Efficiency


The development of the digital technology is sophisticated so that in construction field undergoes technology needs change resulting good quality to improve time and cost efficiency in organizing construction. Planning and actuating the construction uses AutoCad, Ms.Project, previously, but these applications have not been integrated to the other application. It makes time consuming in using them. Nowadays, technology in construction scope has resulted in a system called Building Information Modeling or BIM. It is a system or technology involving some important information in construction project and is used in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC). Construction employer in Indonesia has not much used BIM system, in fact that BIM make the construction process is easy and fast especially in building construction compared to the conventional construction. It, therefore, needs further research to investigate the superiority of BIM in building skyscraper. The type of the study was qualitative by comparing the skyscraper building using conventional system and BIM system. This present case study expects to insist the construction employer that the use of BIM technology promises time and cost efficiency although it requires high investment compared to the conventional method. The result of the study inferred that using Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology results in time and cost efficiency and effectiveness in constructing building compared to the conventional method, which needs long time to complete the work and high cost. 


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