
  • Amal. A. Boulifa Department of Laboratory, Eye Hospital, Benghazi, Libya
  • Salha. F. Ben-Gweirif Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Benghazi University, Libya



Antiseptics, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii


All over the world, nosocomial infection is a recognized public health problem. They are an essential part of infection control practices and aid in the prevention of nosocomial infections. But a common problem is the selection of antiseptics because different   pathogens vary in their response to different antiseptics. Hence the present study was designed to evaluate susceptibility of bacteria isolates from some Benghazi hospitals to five types of antiseptics used in hospitals using the Kirby-Bauer method of disc diffusion method. Data was gathered through a questionnaire. Antiseptics used were Hydrogen Peroxide, povidone- Iodine, Alcoholic Gel, Sterillium (Alcohol 70%), Neo Sterixidina Soap. Bacteria used were Gram positive: Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus acidominimus. Gram negative : Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabills  and  Acinetobacter  baumannii, in addition  American Type Culture Collection  (Staphylococcus  aureus   ATCC  29213,   Escherichia coliATCC  25922  and  Pseudomonas  aeruginosaATCC  27853)  were used as control. The Disc diffusion method technique is a routine, economical and easy screening method used to determine the susceptibility or resistance of a bacterial strain to antibacterial agents. Hydrogen Peroxide 6% and Neo Sterixidina Soap produce the largest zone of inhibition in descending order. The comparative assessment of the zones of inhibition of the diluted antiseptics indicated that Alcoholic Gel, and Sterillium were least effective. While povidone- Iodine 10% the susceptibility was intermediate. This study emphasizes that there was a need to test the quality of antiseptics routinely supplied to the laboratory or hospital to ensure proper control of infections by using right antiseptics in right concentration for a right contact time to reduce the risk of contamination.


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