
  • Ali S. Al-Nuaimi Department of physics, Faculty of Science, Omar Al-Mukhtar University
  • Nassira M. Barrou Department of physics, Faculty of Science, Omar Al-Mukhtar University



Solar system devices and photovoltaic panels are widely used all over the world to produce household heating and electricity. In this work two models were developed to estimate global, direct, diffuse solar radiation and the optimum tilt surface in five selected Libyan cities (Tripoli, Benghazi, Ejdabia, Misratah and Alkufra). It is found that the daily mean of sunshine hours in Tripoli is 9.01 hours. As for Benghazi city, the daily mean is 8.84 hours. In Misratah it is 8.57 hours. In Edjabia the daily mean is 9.46 hours, while in Alkufra, it is 10.10 hours of sunshine. The maximum beam radiation in Tripoli occurs in July (6.26 kw/m2), while the minimum is in January (2.54kw/m2). The maximum diffuse radiation occurs in June (1.85kw/m2), while the minimum is in December (0.73kw/m2). The maximum beam radiation in Benghazi occurs in July (6.26 kw/m2), while the minimum is in December (2.02kw/m2), the maximum diffuse radiation occurs in June (1.78 kw/m2), while the minimum is in November (0.97kw/m2). The maximum beam radiation in Misratah occurs in July (6.24kw/m2), while the minimum is in December (2.23kw/m2). The maximum diffuse radiation occurs in June (1.93 kw/m2), while the minimum is in December (0.94kw/m2). The maximum beam radiation in Edjabia occurs in July (6.19kw/m2), while the minimum is in December (2.59kw/m2). The maximum diffuse radiation occurs in May (1.83 kw/m2), while the minimum is in December (0.93kw/m2). The maximum beam radiation in Alkufra occurs in June and July (5.85kw/m2), while the minimum is in December (3.33kw/m2). The maximum diffuse radiation occurs in May (1.83 kw/m2), while the minimum is in December (1.03kw/2). Results also showed that the annual optimum tilt angles to receive maximum solar radiation for Tripoli is 31.21o and decreases gradually to 23.33o in Alkufra city. The higher optimum angle for all cities occur in winter and decreases in spring and summer, while it reincreases in autumn.


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