
  • Eman Z Younis Department of Biology, Faculty of Education-Ghemines, University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya
  • Adela H Elamami The Endocrine Unit, Hawari General Hospital, Benghazi, Libya.



Entamoeba gingivalis, Trichomonas tenax, Gingivitis, Parasitology, Periodontitis.


The oral cavity of human is colonized by many microorganisms among these Trichomonas tenax and Entamoeba gingivalis, is known as common parasite of oral cavity and sub maxillary glands especially with poor oral hygiene and presence of periodontal disease. This paper describes the prevalence and patterns of Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomona stenaxin person with and without periodontitis in Benghazi, Libya, emphasizing on the gender, age, pH of the saliva, smoking habit. Methods Bio film and saliva samples were taken from 70 patients with periodontitis and 30 healthy individuals. They were spread on sterile swab sample, diluted with saline and examined with a light microscope. Descriptive statistic and chi-square test were used. The overall prevalence of oral parasitic infections among individuals of the sample participant was 24\100 (24%), the prevalence of Trichomonastenax (31.6%) and Entamoeba gingivalis (68.4%) among individuals with periodontal disease, while Trichomonas tenax recorded (20% )  and  Entamoeba gingivalis (80%) among  healthy gingival individuals there was a high significant difference between   periodontal disease compared to healthy gingival group (P=0.000) in the rate of harboring these parasitic infections. Prevalence of oral parasitic infections among individuals of the sample participant was 24\100 (24%). However, further studies are needed to determine the relationship between these species and periodontitis.


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